On-Line Shopping

Sunday, June 12, 2011

On-Line Shopping
The simple fact that on-line shopping can be quite easy, time-saving, comfortable and cost-effective, has created a tremendous opportunity for both on-line merchants and their customers.

No longer does the customer have to use the high-priced "Gas", wow! When will these prices stop escalating, to drive to shopping malls, or their favourite retail stores. And the merchants are even in a much better position with respect to the number of staff required for floor duties, on a regular basis.

The time and frustration of finding a spot at the car parking lot is now eliminated, together with the agony of a crowded mall or retail store. The on-line customer now has the convenience of browsing or visiting several on-line malls or stores with just the click of a mouse and staying or continue shopping a long as they desire, even from their bed.
On-Line Shopping
The History of On-line Shopping.

In 1990 the world-wide web was created by Tim Berners-Lee, and the web first opened for commercial use in the year 1991. As the years progressed, on-line banking began in 1994, and in the same year Pizza Hut introduced their on-line Pizza opportunity as the first introduction to on-line E-commerce.

In that same year 1994, the SSL encryption of transferring data on-line was introduced by Netscape, and later in 1994 Intershop, a German company introduced its first on-line shopping system. Then in 1995 Amazon followed with its on-line E-commerce site, and in 1996 the ever popular eBay followed, thus creating today's ever popular on-line E-commerce explosion.

Trends in on-line Shopping.
On-Line Shopping

US On-line or E-commerce retail transactions for 2011, is projected to reach $197 billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2010. A clear indicator that there is a rising trend in on-line E-commerce in the USA.

Studies has shown that almost 33% of all on-line shoppers shop with the aid of search engines, in order to study the details, as they compare what they are looking for, or what they need. "WOM" Ironically, "word of mouth" has proven to be very critical when it comes to selecting a website or a company for on-line E-commerce.

Research on the most popular items purchased on the web, shows that books are the number one seller, followed by day-to-day items like clothes, perfumes and shoes. It is also noted that the purchase of air line tickets is increasingly becoming a very popular item.

A.C. Neilsen recently did a study which suggests that approximately 85% of people are already familiar with shopping on-line, thus validating the upward trend of on-line E-commerce.

Studies has also shown that approximately 50% of people around the world already using the internet are active on-line shoppers, and that the actual number of on-line shoppers has increased from 627 million to approximately 875 million, today.

These shoppers are known to be from countries like Germany, United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, and the USA, mainly.

Consequently, on-line E-commerce consistently shows a continued rise in users due to the satisfaction of product or service delivery, security, convenience, ease of use and the variety of merchandise which can be purchased or compared from the comfort of the computer, and delivered straight to the door steps.
On-Line Shopping

But as you will certainly agree, on-line shopping can be even much more enjoyable and exciting with special offers like "Free Shipping", and extra discounts with the use of coupons, coupon codes, and on-line specials. Especially when these discounts are offered by major retail chains, and are completely hassle free. This, therefore, lends even more validity to the saying "Now I can shop until I drop" flat on my bed, together with my computer.

You can easily find all your on-line shopping Malls and coupons by clicking this link or you can visit neighbourhood savings for even much more savings. Yorkie_Graham



