Is Your Creativity Bringing You Joy or Pain?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is Your Creativity Bringing You Joy or Pain?
Do you know the one thing lacking from the lives of most of the people today? Creativity. So few people seem to be in touch with their creative sides.

You don't need to be a dedicated artist, musician or writer in order to express your creativity. All of us are creative; it's our natural state of being.

Think about your life for a moment; the way you do your hair, the clothes you wear. Those areas are an expression of your creativity. What about your home? The things you have placed in it. That expresses your creativity too. So too does the way you speak, the things you say to people. For instance, how much creativity do you call on when you need to be tactful because you know the truth would hurt someone's feelings?
Is Your Creativity Bringing You Joy or Pain?
You express your creativity all the time for good or ill. Think of someone who is always telling lies, that's a form of creativity. Or someone who goes to great lengths to avoid a task or someone they dislike. It takes creativity to come up with one excuse after another. Alas as with the lies, you would not say that is creative energy well spent. The same can be said for time spent thinking up ways to torment your colleagues, get something for nothing, cheat or scam people or to get back at family or friends. Your using your creative energy yes, but not in a good way.

Most people think that if they do not do creative work, then they are not creative and creativity has no place in their lives. But as I've highlighted already nothing could be further from the truth.

Unfortunately, so many of us have had our creative energy suppressed or buried in early life by the words and actions of those around us. Were you told, you can't draw, sing, or will never be a writer or designer by a well-meaning teacher or parent? Join the club. Before you've even had a chance to develop any talent you're told to forget about it and so you do.

Your creativity is crying out to you, banging at you like a drum, bursting to be used. Don't be afraid to once again engage with your creative energy again in a deliberate, positive way. You could choose to take up an activity like sketching, children's writing, piano, kite flying, knitting, choir singing or just about any pastime you can think of that requires you to engage with your senses in some delightful way.

Creative energy is a hard task master for good or ill. I guarantee it is making itself felt in your life in some way. Whether the results bring you joy or not is up to you.

Lia Fenelon is an Intuitive Coach, Theta Healer, Angelic Reiki Master, Colour Therapist and Angelic Reiki Master. She is also the creator of The Star U R Coaching and Healing Company and Star Coaching. Lia helps women who are ready to take their lives to the next level and claim their own inner power to uncover their talents and abilities, discover their Life Purpose and become the Star they are meant to be. Lia_Fenelon



