Be thankful for the added pleasure of God, for blessing every pleasure is the prayer of the creatures. Do not get stuck in the gift, because people will be insulted.
If the world population is reduced up to become a village with only 100 inhabitants, what kind of a small village profiles that vary from the entire population of earth? Or simply, the world's population now, made with a divider ratio until there is only one hundred people to represent the world's population.
Philip M. Hartner, MD from the faculty of medicine at Stanford University in the United States, trying to find an answer to this question.
Based analisananya, the small village of the earth will consist of: 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 people came from the western hemisphere, 8 Africans. In addition, 52 women, 48 men. 80 non-white, 20 white. 89 heterosexual, 11 homosexual.
In addition, other calculations are: 6 people have 59% of the wholly wealth of the earth, and the sixth person entirely from the United States. 80 people live in places (houses) that do not meet standards
Other circumstances; 70 people can not read, 50 people suffering from malnutrition, 1 person nearly died, 1 person is pregnant, a person has a college background, a person has a computer.
Let us ponder the analysis Hartner and start from things as follows:
? If you live in a good home now, have plenty to eat and can read the writing, you are part of a select group.
? If you have a good home, food, can read and have a computer, you are an elite group of people.
? If you woke up this morning and feel healthy, you are more fortunate than the millions of people who might not be able to survive in this week.
? If you have never felt the danger of war threatening, lonely because of imprisonment, pain due to torture, or starvation, you are one step ahead compared to 500 million people in this world.
? If you can attend the meetings of political or religious, without feeling scared and harassed, arrested, tortured, or dead. You're in luck, because more than 3 billion people in the world can not do it.
? If you have food in the refrigerator, the clothes in the wardrobe, and has a roof that shaded the place you rest, you are richer than 75% of people in this world.
? If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and able to spend some money to enjoy a meal in a restaurant, you are a member of the 8% group of wealthy people in the world.
? If your parents are still alive and enjoying their happy married life, then you include one of a group of people categorized as rare, especially in the United States.
? If you are able to uphold the head with a smile on his lips and felt really happy, you have a privilege in itself, because most people do not get such enjoyment.
? If you can and have time to read this message, you have just received a double gift, because someone thought of you, and you are far more fortunate than over 2 billion people who can not read at all.
Hope you enjoy this day, a beautiful day, starting this very second. Calculate your gift of joy and luck, you certainly will not be able to count them. And, to convey this to others to remind that in fact, we are the people who are very lucky.
"And if you count the favors of God, ye can not menghinggakannya. Behold, the man very weaken and very denying (delicious). "(Surah Ibrahim: 34)
"God determines his mercy for anyone who wants, and God has a great gift." (Ali - Imraan: 74).
To get the smell of perfume, we should hang out with a perfume seller, adaptation. If you want to succeed not only the world, but mainly the hereafter, then do not have one bit distant from God. Near to Him, is the key to success and winning.
"Had the sea were ink for (writing) the words of God, the sea would indeed drop it before it runs out (written) sentences of my Lord, even if we bring that much extra (too)." (Surat al-Kahf: 109)
Have we uncover all the secrets of His knowledge? The whole secret of greatness? The whole secret of beauty? Let's get started. Let's go to the jump! Jumping to catch us.