Bearded President of the United States

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the story of a little boy named Grace Bedell. Grace lives in New York. When she was 11 years old, he wrote a letter to a man who is very famous. The letter contains a request for the man maintain his beard. Grace thought that the man's face is too thin, and he would look better if you keep his beard.
abraham lincoln

One day, when he came to visit the town of Grace, in New York. The man took the train, and asked to meet with Grace. Grace went to see him. They met, he kissed the little Grace and said, "You see it, I let the beard grow for you Grace."
abraham lincoln

The man was Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. The most renowned figures who once owned the United States. Lincoln freed slaves who had also bought, some 3.5 million people. But that's not what this discussion is intended. But little Grace. A great president would listen, small voice, small capacity. Whereas, Grace, is able to change history!
READ MORE - Bearded President of the United States

You Can More Powerful than Anyone

Monday, February 21, 2011

600 Books Sold Over 8 Years
You Can More Powerful than Anyone

Books that have a major impact in influencing history. Sales of the book is very slow. First printing of the book consisting of 600 copies of the book, it can take 8 years to sold out. The book is it?
You Can More Powerful than Anyone

The book is, "The Interpretation of Dreams" book by Sigmund Freud in 1899 AD Book sales income is $ 209 for Freud. In the book "100 Most Influential People of People in History" Michael H. Hart mentions Sigmund Freud entered the serial number 32. Freud's many reference books into the world of psychology.
READ MORE - You Can More Powerful than Anyone

Source of Life

Friday, February 18, 2011

One day, a father and son were sitting chatting on the riverbank. Said the father told his son, "Look at my son, the water is so important for this life, without water we would all die."
Source of Life

At that time, a small fish listening to the conversation from the bottom surface of the water. He became restless and wanted to know whether the water, which he said was so essential for life. Small fish that swim upstream to downstream of the river as he asks all the fish he encountered. Creative, innovative, continue to seek and find the truth.
Source of Life

All the fish had met no one knows whether the water. The small fish swim up to the spring to meet with old fish that have been experienced. Little fish asked, "Where is the water?"
READ MORE - Source of Life

Seriousness of Imam Shafi'i

Friday, February 11, 2011

Joint Light
"I complained to the sheikh Waqi 'about the weakness my rote. He advised me to leave immoral. He explained that science was light, and light of God can not be given to people who engage in immoral acts. "(Imam Shafi).
Joint Light

"By Allah, I do not deserve to take charge of your penny." As an expression of honest Sofyan bin Uyainah rahimallah, teacher at the time of Imam Shafi rahimallah small. Lack all-round condition, not make the Imam whole step, and took the leaves and the bones to write a learned science, ideas are emerging.
Joint Light

Inspiring. "Science is like a hunted animal, while the writing is a way. Tie your game with a strong net. Because really stupid, if you catch the game, then you let loose with abandon. "

Earnestness. Making the Imam smart. Read a book two pages open, then the second page immediately covered. Why? Because if it had visible, will be immediately familiar, until the hassles in each sub-chapter review, Masyaallah! Until the power flowing verse, hit the soul dwarf. Generate a wave of dreams that continue to flow over the centuries, seemingly everlasting change of generations.

"my sains will always be with me, where else is he going to be useful for me.
My chest is not where the store cupboard
If I was in the house, then my science with me there
And if I'm in the market, then my science are in the market "
Joint Light

Why did the Imam recite poetry so? Since his room was filled with the records of science. The room became filled with the bones and leaves inscribed with the science-knowledge. Until Imam Shafi did not get a place to rest or sleep at all. For this reason, he reinforce himself, to memorize the whole science of which he collected, so no need callus, leaves and papers. 
READ MORE - Seriousness of Imam Shafi'i

Be grateful

Sunday, February 6, 2011

be grateful
Be thankful for the added pleasure of God, for blessing every pleasure is the prayer of the creatures. Do not get stuck in the gift, because people will be insulted.
     If the world population is reduced up to become a village with only 100 inhabitants, what kind of a small village profiles that vary from the entire population of earth? Or simply, the world's population now, made with a divider ratio until there is only one hundred people to represent the world's population.

Philip M. Hartner, MD from the faculty of medicine at Stanford University in the United States, trying to find an answer to this question.
     Based analisananya, the small village of the earth will consist of: 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 people came from the western hemisphere, 8 Africans. In addition, 52 women, 48 men. 80 non-white, 20 white. 89 heterosexual, 11 homosexual.
be grateful
     In addition, other calculations are: 6 people have 59% of the wholly wealth of the earth, and the sixth person entirely from the United States. 80 people live in places (houses) that do not meet standards
     Other circumstances; 70 people can not read, 50 people suffering from malnutrition, 1 person nearly died, 1 person is pregnant, a person has a college background, a person has a computer.

     Let us ponder the analysis Hartner and start from things as follows:
? If you live in a good home now, have plenty to eat and can read the writing, you are part of a select group.
? If you have a good home, food, can read and have a computer, you are an elite group of people.
? If you woke up this morning and feel healthy, you are more fortunate than the millions of people who might not be able to survive in this week.
? If you have never felt the danger of war threatening, lonely because of imprisonment, pain due to torture, or starvation, you are one step ahead compared to 500 million people in this world.
? If you can attend the meetings of political or religious, without feeling scared and harassed, arrested, tortured, or dead. You're in luck, because more than 3 billion people in the world can not do it.
? If you have food in the refrigerator, the clothes in the wardrobe, and has a roof that shaded the place you rest, you are richer than 75% of people in this world.
? If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and able to spend some money to enjoy a meal in a restaurant, you are a member of the 8% group of wealthy people in the world.
? If your parents are still alive and enjoying their happy married life, then you include one of a group of people categorized as rare, especially in the United States.
? If you are able to uphold the head with a smile on his lips and felt really happy, you have a privilege in itself, because most people do not get such enjoyment.
? If you can and have time to read this message, you have just received a double gift, because someone thought of you, and you are far more fortunate than over 2 billion people who can not read at all.
  Hope you enjoy this day, a beautiful day, starting this very second. Calculate your gift of joy and luck, you certainly will not be able to count them. And, to convey this to others to remind that in fact, we are the people who are very lucky.
     "And if you count the favors of God, ye can not menghinggakannya. Behold, the man very weaken and very denying (delicious). "(Surah Ibrahim: 34)

     "God determines his mercy for anyone who wants, and God has a great gift." (Ali - Imraan: 74).
To get the smell of perfume, we should hang out with a perfume seller, adaptation. If you want to succeed not only the world, but mainly the hereafter, then do not have one bit distant from God. Near to Him, is the key to success and winning.
be grateful

"Had the sea were ink for (writing) the words of God, the sea would indeed drop it before it runs out (written) sentences of my Lord, even if we bring that much extra (too)." (Surat al-Kahf: 109)
Have we uncover all the secrets of His knowledge? The whole secret of greatness? The whole secret of beauty? Let's get started. Let's go to the jump! Jumping to catch us. 
READ MORE - Be grateful

Inspiration Enjoy Life

A man was walking in a park. He was surprised to see a little boy about 6 years old, was seen carrying a heavy load on his back. However, it is not visible.
Inspiration Enjoy Life

He was feeling empathy, sprightly wants to help. He told the boy, "Son, very heavy burden that you bear?"the Son of turns. However, not answers reassure. Little replied, "Sir, this is not a burden, this is my brother."
Inspiration Enjoy Life

There was no expense when we love and love the job. You know who the man in the story above? He was Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States most Masyur, president of the 16 who never freed slaves and memerdekakannya 3.5 million people. Lincoln learned that very moment, that life there is no word load. As well as Thomas Edison, when asked about whether he is not tired of doing the experiment up to a thousand times and always failed. The answer is easy, 'I never work a day in my life, because everything is fun. "
Inspiration Enjoy Life

It was recently named winner mental! Enjoying every struggle, smiling when blood and tears dripping in Shahadah struggle, no matter how small the wound will be rewarded with the best by God.

READ MORE - Inspiration Enjoy Life

Dead Space 2 Review

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dead Space was a game that rocked the foundations of horror video games for a long time. With its innovate AI that would stay hidden and pop out at you when you least expected it. It even continues the particularly weird and at the same time awesome storyline from the previous game. Dead Space 2 does include a few things to mix it up but keeps true to the first video game in the series. Most first video games where the main character just killed off an entire armada of enemies and lost everyone they know and love in the process portray the main character as unaffected in the second game. In Dead Space 2 however Issac(the main character) is torn apart by the previous games events and the death of his girlfriend. Several game play elements actually have to do with the fact that Issac may be losing his grip on reality. Despite that fact he still fights on anyway but at least they acknowledge it and make it a part of the game unlike other video games.

We will start Dead Space 2 on a good note by reviewing the main portion of the game or single player as some would call it. For the most part you will playing in dark environments with a light at your side and the hope that the necromorph's (zombie alien things) don't come up from behind to get you when you least expect it (they will). Often times you will hear them but not see them putting you on the edge and starting your cautiousness. It would be a lie to say that you won't spend a lot of time looking for the enemy in one room and not finding them. Then just as you are about to move on they come from behind you and attack when your guard is down. This is just one classic example of how smart the AI actually is in this game. Adding to that is the music which adds to the intensity and excitement of the unknown darkness that often surrounds you. Dead Space 2 even has a unique health bar that is located on your characters back which was used in the first video game. Basically Dead Space 2 his game is what all horror movies and horror genre video games should look at when they develop from now on because this game does it very well.

The armor of this game looks just as amazing as it did in the Dead Space and thankfully they decided not to give us the most powerful armor in the game if we purchased it the first day it came out, as they did in Dead Space. However for the first part of the game you will not be wearing armor and will look like just any other person until you get your armor back and can look totally awesome again. In a way this does make sense because in real life you could not be possibly be wearing that heavy armor all the time, so it seems like a good choice by the developers to have you get your suit as the first task in the game. A lot of the weapons from the Dead Space make a comeback in Dead Space 2 with a few changes to them(mostly for the better), all of them remain pretty unique and you may actually have to change weapons sometimes and not just blast one gun the whole game like most other shooting games. To add even more worth to single player the upgrade systems and purchasing system is very well done and you cannot just buy everything too early or not have the ability to buy things due to money restrictions later in the game.
Much like the Bioshock franchise the of Dead Space developer's decided that crappy multi player was better than nothing. So they put in a few maps together and whipped up a few game types where the humans have to do things and the necromorph's on the other team try to stop you. The multi player is fun for a little while but it has no real lasting appeal for most people. For the most part this game really shines because of its single player and multi player seemed like more of a last-minute idea that they decided to implement because they thought it would be fun. If Dead Space 2 did not have multi player however it would definitely be worth less money because adding in multi player gives you some more replay value even if it isn't a lot.

Overall Dead Space 2 is a bit better than the previous game and uses a lot of the same mechanics. This is not a bad thing because the Dead Space was very well done and this game just sought to improve upon it as most sequels do. The weapons are very well done and the armor looks as even better than it did in Dead Space. The purchasing system in the game is very well done again just as it was in the first game. The horror aspect remains largely the same from the first game which is also a great thing. The biggest element is the story changes that take place and the fact that Issac may be going very well be going insane due to the events in the first game. Multi player does not add much value to the game but as the developers probably thought it is certainly better than nothing.
Good Stuff 
  • Single Player!
  • Horror elements of the game (music,enemies, etc) are top-notch
  • Unique weapons, a lot of them are from the first game though
  • The money system is very well done
  • Armor looks even better than it did in the last game
  • Well thought out story and somewhat unique gameplay
  • Smart AI
Bad Stuff 
  • Multi player
  • Multi player?
  • Getting jumped all the time by enemies can get a little frustrating
READ MORE - Dead Space 2 Review


"Trust is an ability to see the invisible, believe in something extraordinary, in order to achieve what many people thought impossible." (Clarence Smithison).

Metal Stake
In the Sung empire era in China, there are a General a clever use of her mind, named Tai Ching. One day, in a battle long journey, he found the spirit of his troops is severely limited. Fatigue before the war was a worst state in a war.

To give a new spirit in his troops, General Tai Ching collect all the soldiers and said,
"This time we will travel long distances to go to war. Our responsibility is huge. We must win and must not be defeated! I'll drop five coins at this place to ask for our future. When the pictorial side of his head open, then God protect us and the troops immediately moved. When the opposite side is open, then we withdraw troops immediately and go home. "

Finished speaking General dropped five pieces of metal and it turns entirely is pictorial side of the head! Tai Ching said happily, "God bless us, we must win this battle!" Then, he memantekkan five coins on the table. True, the spirit of the troops became excited and eventually they come back with a victory.

At the celebration party held. A soldier said to Tai Ching, "This time, we really win thanks to the protection of God!" Tai Ching did not answer, with a smile, he opened pantekan coins on the table. At that time, his soldiers learned that the other side of the coin and even then illustrated his head! "
READ MORE - Confidence

Dreamer to Winner

Radiation spirit of achieving a goal, sometimes sagging because of the reality in the way of struggle, are the ones who lose. However, the spirit of burning, when tests and trials come, when he fell and slid and then rose again. And, got up again, people will learn from his mistakes. The winner is the person who manages failure, arrange into success.
Dreamer to Winner

As a hard time, he will not last long. However, the strong determination, will always survive in the entire episode of his life. When the winner fell, and people laugh because of his downfall. The winning smile, "I did not fall, only a small slip!"

Why Dream?
Dreamer to Winner

Buddy, you often dream at a time when sleep? Usually the dream when you sleep it, is the fruit of one's mind before sleep. Radiation signal when thoughts raced like pressure when going to bed, usually will carry over in the nightmares that were present. Moreover, forget to pray?

Back to the discourse of this book, not on top of which will be discussed. Rather, whether a dream has a big influence in a person's success? Of course. "Every successful man and woman who are dreamers, big dreamers. They imagine their future, do my best in every respect, and work every day towards a vision far ahead of their goal. "(Brian Tracy)
Dreamer to Winner

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein).
Dreams are the beginning of hope, the beginning of the master plan, the beginning of the motivation, the commencement of courage. "If you dare to pursue your dreams, all dreams will be achieved." (Wall Disney).
READ MORE - Dreamer to Winner

Do not Believe Books

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why? Does not read a lot of our growing knowledge? By reading we will see the wide world?

It's not that I mean my friend, listen to first my words. This is the story of a man named Raybinson, he was an engineer at the glass factory Canny in the United States. Canny factory known around the world with its first and flagship product, "anti-broken glass."

When you first announced it, people laughed at Raybinson, "Where there is anti-broken glass in the world?" However, has a dream that hugged Raybinson in time and watch her sleep, fight. Every day, he worked hard in his laboratory.

One day in 1963, in front of crowds. Raybinson high lift a glass pipe, then let go of his hand. Glass pipe that fell just above the rock. However, there was a miracle! Glass pipe was not damaged at all. Finally, Raybinson managed to create "anti-broken glass."

Raybinson announcing it to people in the world: 'Within one year, we spent U.S. $ 15 million for costs of investigation, so we get a new way, to create a sturdy glass and can be increased power usage. This is not a small amount, but if we only believe what is written in a book, namely, that the glass can be shattered. So Canny factory, only to produce bottles of beer and syrup for forever! "

That's the power of belief. But, let alone believe in the book, read it only human are lazy. This is stupidity, how can dreams and expectations will be achieved. Come on rise up! It is time for Muslims to lead the world.

READ MORE - Do not Believe Books

The Endless Creativity

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Banana Argentina
Gino, "King Touge" famous in the United States is a great distributor. His talk is amazing and daring to create something new. Innovators. How to handle business changes continuously and often win with strange tactics. This is one story.
The Endless Creativity

At that time, Gino was a kid. Sitting at the High School. When the semester holidays, he worked at a fruit import company. He was happy because diberik task to manage a stall in front of the headquarters and get high salaries. One day, his office sent as many as 18 crates of banana. Because there are technical problems in the cooling warehouse. So the banana skin becomes too ripe "Ndalu".

Banana still good, but his skin black and does not attract the attention of buyers.
Supervisor knowing that it would be difficult to sell bananas that. So, he asked Gino to rack my brain, so that all the bananas can be sold. At that time, 4 pounds of bananas that have not changed their quality can be sold seharta U.S. 25 cents. Gino is recommended to start selling it for U.S. 18 cents and lowered again, if not sold.
The Endless Creativity

Gino thinking, he finally mendapatakan "An incredible idea!"
He immediately made a big banner and display. Reads "special gift for a special buyer today: Banana Argentina. 1 Pound U.S. only 8 cents! ", Then hung in front of the stall and berterika hard," Banana Argentina, tasty and delicious, was awarded with special price! "

Actually there is no type of banana, but Gino made it sound very interesting and different. Many visitors who come to see the black bananas. Gino explains that bananas are the latest type. Although his appearance is different from the usual bananas, tatpi taste than other bananas.
The Endless Creativity

Special special today only. Many visitors who are interested in and only in 3 hours, 18 crates of banana "Black" sold out by Gino. In fact, sold more than the price of bananas before "Ndalu" from 4 pounds to U.S. 25 cents, to 4 pounds of U.S. 32 cents. Powerful! Because finding an idea. Incredible! Because confidence. Win! Because think differently from most people.
The Endless Creativity

That's creators, do not think that there are shortcomings, but to talk the problem of ideas. Talk about productivity. Talk problems superior ideas. Creating-maneuver sharp maneuvers. Courageous act, not caught the problem trivial and small. Because we are a big, thinking big.

READ MORE - The Endless Creativity

Weakness in General Thoughts

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1. Culture Society
 Humans do not dare to dream big, then get rid of the dreams and hopes. Minset been patterned as in environmental conditions do not support it to get motivation intake. Ustadz Anis Matta said, we should be able to have some ideas that pass period exist, so we are not left behind by development.
Dream Big is Big Achivement. As Raybinson who do not believe in the book which says that the glass is easily broken.
hard work

2. Image as Ambitious People
We are ashamed of being labeled as being too ambitious, and too grandiose. Really? Do not we have to fight for our dreams and expectations? If not we are meant to reach that dream. Then who? The dream is ours, then we are the ones that must be pursued.

3. Safe Play Culture.
How many applicants who entered when there is the opening reception of Civil Servants (PNS). Countless Buddy! Reception 10 people who signed up 1,000 people. "Play safe" has been patterned in the life of Indonesian, so strongly rooted, clung human mind. Up to pay tens of millions as a surrogate for inclusion into civil servants.
hard work

Culture "Play safe" with the victory appear neat every job, win prestige. Neat clothes greatness, to monthly money must each month. Safe value. Sometimes these security which makes the total dead productivity. For those who are civil servants, this is the message: do not ever stop to continue to develop themselves, serve the community with the best, because that's what paid civil servants. To lead is to serve.
But, do not be justified. I do not really, just a few of them. There's really fighting for the truth, although safe has gained value, but he remained professional and responsible. Remain committed to working time, that no corruption in his time.

4. Fear of Failure.
Failure. Failure. Being a terrible scourge every time want to try and produce the work and ideas. The work never die. When the idea and the idea appears, immediately turned off because the visible failure looming. Do not be afraid. Orientation changes not on results, but in the process. Culture was still appreciate what has been accomplished, not on hard business. This is what makes the dreamer to bury his hopes.
     But, Succees is journey. Success is the journey. No one cans go back to make a brand new start, start now, to make a brand new ending.
hard work

It was his destiny.

The term is more than just a confession of helplessness. Hiding from the stunt his soul. Winners always find a way, but the loser is always looking for excuses. So many people who lose in this world, simply saying that "It is his destiny from God like this", "It was not his destiny", "Just Surrender".
hard work

Ironic. A true Muslim would never complain one bit. The statement above is an expression of defeat. Better to take a hatchet, and then find the wood and sell it on the market than the lounge-inattentive, even begging
No pain no gain, no risk no gain. there is no sincerity there is no success.

READ MORE - Weakness in General Thoughts



