Weakness in General Thoughts

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1. Culture Society
 Humans do not dare to dream big, then get rid of the dreams and hopes. Minset been patterned as in environmental conditions do not support it to get motivation intake. Ustadz Anis Matta said, we should be able to have some ideas that pass period exist, so we are not left behind by development.
Dream Big is Big Achivement. As Raybinson who do not believe in the book which says that the glass is easily broken.
hard work

2. Image as Ambitious People
We are ashamed of being labeled as being too ambitious, and too grandiose. Really? Do not we have to fight for our dreams and expectations? If not we are meant to reach that dream. Then who? The dream is ours, then we are the ones that must be pursued.

3. Safe Play Culture.
How many applicants who entered when there is the opening reception of Civil Servants (PNS). Countless Buddy! Reception 10 people who signed up 1,000 people. "Play safe" has been patterned in the life of Indonesian, so strongly rooted, clung human mind. Up to pay tens of millions as a surrogate for inclusion into civil servants.
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Culture "Play safe" with the victory appear neat every job, win prestige. Neat clothes greatness, to monthly money must each month. Safe value. Sometimes these security which makes the total dead productivity. For those who are civil servants, this is the message: do not ever stop to continue to develop themselves, serve the community with the best, because that's what paid civil servants. To lead is to serve.
But, do not be justified. I do not really, just a few of them. There's really fighting for the truth, although safe has gained value, but he remained professional and responsible. Remain committed to working time, that no corruption in his time.

4. Fear of Failure.
Failure. Failure. Being a terrible scourge every time want to try and produce the work and ideas. The work never die. When the idea and the idea appears, immediately turned off because the visible failure looming. Do not be afraid. Orientation changes not on results, but in the process. Culture was still appreciate what has been accomplished, not on hard business. This is what makes the dreamer to bury his hopes.
     But, Succees is journey. Success is the journey. No one cans go back to make a brand new start, start now, to make a brand new ending.
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It was his destiny.

The term is more than just a confession of helplessness. Hiding from the stunt his soul. Winners always find a way, but the loser is always looking for excuses. So many people who lose in this world, simply saying that "It is his destiny from God like this", "It was not his destiny", "Just Surrender".
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Ironic. A true Muslim would never complain one bit. The statement above is an expression of defeat. Better to take a hatchet, and then find the wood and sell it on the market than the lounge-inattentive, even begging
No pain no gain, no risk no gain. there is no sincerity there is no success.




