Bearded President of the United States

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the story of a little boy named Grace Bedell. Grace lives in New York. When she was 11 years old, he wrote a letter to a man who is very famous. The letter contains a request for the man maintain his beard. Grace thought that the man's face is too thin, and he would look better if you keep his beard.
abraham lincoln

One day, when he came to visit the town of Grace, in New York. The man took the train, and asked to meet with Grace. Grace went to see him. They met, he kissed the little Grace and said, "You see it, I let the beard grow for you Grace."
abraham lincoln

The man was Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. The most renowned figures who once owned the United States. Lincoln freed slaves who had also bought, some 3.5 million people. But that's not what this discussion is intended. But little Grace. A great president would listen, small voice, small capacity. Whereas, Grace, is able to change history!

abraham lincoln

No need to wait! Whatever strength you have now, go forth!
In the course of that, do you find new powers! New ideas! New ideas! New maneuvers! And stability as well as a new experience! The life is adventure's!




